Community: Telegram, Twitter, Bitcointalk Exchanges: HotBit, Minereum DEX, 🦄 Uniswap 🦄, 🐪 Bazarswap 🐪 🎲 Lucky Draw 🎲 Pot : 6 ETH
You need to connect your wallet
Generate Your Crypto Bond
  • Your Address:
  • Your Available MNE: MNE
  • Bond MNE Value:
  • Bond Maturity (Duration):
  • Bond Yield: %
  • You will get (Per Year): MNE
  • You will get (Overall): MNE
  • Referrer Address (optional):
Generate Bond
To Participate Make Sure:
You are using a web3 wallet such as MetaMask (PC),Trust Wallet (mobile) or Coinbase Wallet (mobile)
You have the amount of MNE for the Bond value in the ethereum address you are using in your web3 browser.
If you don't have MNE you can buy on MNE/BTC MNE/ETH - MNE DEX - Uniswap
If the ethereum network fees are too high, try lowering the gas price. You can see the current ethereum network fee prices here. Also, if the fees are too high make sure you are submitting a valid transaction. If you submit an invalid tx your web3 browser will calculate the max possible fee (because the tx is not valid). For example: do you have enough available MNE and ETH in your wallet? If not, that can be the cause.
Read and understand how the Minereum Crypto Bond works, see here.
  • Your Open Referrer Bonus: MNE

Note: To cancel your bonds use the contract 0x65a5Db59D20A6c7285915f0560b854b01b4C18D9

Crypto Bond Stats
  • 1 Year Bond Yield: %
  • 3 Years Bond Yield: %
  • 5 Years Bond Yield: %

How it works?

My Bonds
Bond ID MNE Value Maturity Yield Start Date
My Bond Payouts
Bond ID Payout MNE Value Claim Date From Paid